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AlRasool Islamic Center
Hadith Of The Day
Imam Sadiq [a] said: "My father said to me about his father [a] that a man from Kufah wrote to his father viz. to al-Husayn-ibn-Ali [a] asking him [a] to imform him of the good of this world and that of the next. Then, he [a] wrote (in his reply): `In the Name Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful`. After that: `Verily, he who seeks the pleasure of Allah even while displeasing people, He suffices him in his affairs with people. But, he who seeks the pleasure of people while Allah is displeased, he leaves him to people (and he will be far from His Grace), Wassalam`." ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 71, p. 208
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Imam Ali (A.S.) bin Abi Talib (A.S.)


All human beings experience ups and downs and face different problems in life. The individuals, usually get weak and unable when facing a problem and try with the aid and guidance of the experts to save themselves from trouble. And by finding “examples” in any field, and then following them, perform their duties in the best way to solve their problems and relieve their pains. One of these examples is the honoured Prophet (A.S) whom the holy Quran has described (identified) as such. Other than the messenger of Allah (A.S), if we look for another example and replacement for his holiness we would find a great example as the (leader of the) pious his holiness Imam Ali (A.S). Morals and behaviour, to go through his holiness ups and downs, and amazements of life.

Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S.) The Chosen Successor (Caliphate)

The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A) passed away with his head on the lap of Imam Ali (A.S). He departed to his Lord, the Most High, while still worried about the future of the Mission and nation In the last hour of his life he asked for an inkpot and a sheet of paper to write on to the nation about that which would protect them from going astray after him. He continuously used to stress the necessity of adherence to his holy family No sooner had the soul of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A) separated from his pure body and had Imam Ali (A.S.) and the house folk of the Messenger started for the funeral, then the Helpers (Ansars) held a meeting in `Saqifa Bani Sa`idah` to appoint a successor to lead the Muslims after the Prophet (S.A.W.A).